BG Consulting

Here you will find solutions to your problems in petroleum and geo-energy engineering


We provide consulting services to develop solutions to your problems using advanced
methods of data analyses and in-house computer software. Work scope covers, but not
limited to, the following subjects:

Horizontal and extended-reach well drilling

– Well trajectory
– Drill string
– Hydraulics

Optimization of oil and gas field development

– Well productivity
– Well completion
– Production Forecast
– NPV analysis

Optimization of pipeline systems

– Flow modeling
– Flow assurance

Gaseous fluid drilling

– Air drilling
– Foam drilling
– Aerated fluid drilling

Optimizations of oil and gas well operations

– NODAL analysis
– Pumping systems
– Gas lift systems

Energy transitions

Training Courses

We provide training courses in the full range of petroleum engineering, including (but
not limited to) the following:

  1. Reduction of drag and torque in horizontal and extended well drilling (2-day course)
  2. Optimization of drilling hydraulics (2-day course)
  3. Well planning and casing design (2-day course)
  4. Well control (1-day course)
  5. Gaseous fluid drilling (3-day course)
  6. Productivity of modern wells (3-day course)
  7. NODAL analysis (2-day course)
  8. Production Forecast and NPV analysis (2-day course)
  9. Artificial lift methods (3-day course)
  10. Design and optimization of production facilities (2-day course)
  11. Pipeline flow assurance (1-day course)
  12. Energy productivity of geothermal wells

Spreadsheet Programs

We provide computer spreadsheet programs in MS Excel covering a wide range of
subjects to optimize your petroleum drilling and production systems. Additional
programs can be developed based on clients’ specifications.

  • Spreadsheets in well drilling engineering (10 Excel programs)
  • Spreadsheets in well productivity (20 Excel programs)
  • Spreadsheets in oil/gas production engineering (15 Excel programs)
  • Spreadsheets in geothermal engineering (5 Excel programs)